WSLED does not have a selectable frame rate. It does have a target rate but I don’t think that is also a limit. You could try setting the target rate to a lower value and see if it has an effect. Max amount of Addressable LEDs?
It is probably worthwhile breaking one segment at the middle and reconnecting it to another port on the FireBeetle, just to see if that fixes things. If it does, then you need to consider whether you have enough ports to do that for all segments, or whether you need to wire up another MCU and run two controllers. That will create synching problems that WSLED can’t fix - if that matters then a more capable MCU would be the answer. But if it works that saves trying to track down noise problems, which is always difficult.
Hi All.
Just had a look at that video.
It would seem that once you get up to that black ring one side of each triangle is not working. This is irrespective of which colour is showing at the time.
Firstly I would start with the old rule of establishing the presence or not of power. Good rule that as quite a large percentage of problems relate to power or the lack of.
Check all your power wiring. We can’t as I for one have not seen any detailed schematic of the power wiring system.
Has anyone heard of a multimeter. No mention of one to date. Check that power is present on the troublesome segments.
So called “noise”. A pretty generic term and can take many forms. If that were the problem I would expect a more random effect. This is not random.
Do NOT throw capacitors everywhere without knowing what you are doing. You could in fact exaggerate any noise at different frequencies. The type of any caps used for “noise” suppression would depend on just what type of “noise” is troublesome.
The reason I say not to add too many caps is as follows.
On a piece of paper draw a line representing a piece of wire. Now add a cap to ground at each end. Right you now have a piece of wire with a cap to ground at each end.
The wire (irrespective of length and actual form) will have inductance.
On the paper replace the wire with inductance (coil).
What do we have??? A tuned circuit. Now this tuned circuit will have resonance AT SOME FREQUENCY. Now if this wire is excited by “noise” somewhere in this frequency range any effect will be AMPLIFIED and could be many times depending on the “Q” of the circuit.
So you see that caps in the wrong place could actually increase any “noise” problems.
The solution… If a noise reduction cap is required use at ONE END ONLY. Another method used when PC boards used to have a cap across the power right at every IC is to use large wire or very fat short tracks to keep the inductance to near zero.
Another reason for the problem here is the data line. It would appear to be intact triangle to triangle as the LED work right to the top. BUT has that segment on those triangles been bypassed somehow. One way to check would be reduce the number of LEDs in your software and see if the stop at the correct point. Keep changing this to check every triangle.
Check the power first though as this could be the easiest.
Cheers Bob
@Mark276201 That is amazing for the time given to complete the project and the complexity. Well done !!! I hope they all appreciate your efforts.
Initially I did not comment on this post because I have seen things like this before fail because too much was expected of the developer in too short a time frame. My dad did heaps of electronic stuff for his church over the years, maintaining the sound system and other events, all out of the goodness of his heart. (no money) I don’t think they really appreciated the skills he had.
You should be very proud of what you have a achieved in such a short time frame.
All good if you subscribe to Instagram but for us mere mortals who don’t delve into the world of “Social” media it is just so much crap.
So wii take your word for it and assume all your problems sorted.
Not using “Social” media usually means my days go by without all the B…l s…t that seems to go on here that I just read about when people moan about being bullied etc.
There is always the magic ON/OFF switch.
Cheers Bob
Thanks guys. I really appreciate your support and advice. I was banging my head against a brick wall in the sun just running into problem after problem. I really didn’t think I would get it done, but sometimes you just have to keep going and don’t give up.
Still having control issues with the higher ones. I think I’ll give it a few months before I come back and try to resolve them. I need to recover
Next year we will try to resolve the wiring issues and come up with a better plug and play wiring solution. But for now. It works.