Hi Willie!
Good to have you with us.
Are you comfortable with the linux terminal?
If so, I use one approach in my Parisians Project that might work for you.
-------- FROM THE PROJECT PAGE-----------
Launching Simulation on Reboot.
We want this simulation to automatically launch when we power on the PI. There are lots of ways to do this, but I had the most success placing the following code in my .bashrc file.
sleep 5
cd /absolute/path/to/yourproject
python3 main.py
Then I ensured the terminal booted on launch.
cd home/pi/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/
echo "@lxterminal" >> autostart
Having the terminal open appeared to be “necessary” to make the hotkeys trigger. I also found that this method ensured that wifi and other auxiliaries would be operational before the loop would run.
If you need more clarification don’t hesitate to ask