PiicoDev on the LoPy4


It’s been awesome, absolutely amazing work Michael, the whole unified experience is great!

Yeah, I had to double check again but I can confirm that the error pops up with the unaltered code.

From the OS commands here’s the output:

Unfortunately modifying the line didn’t work straight out of the gate. No worries though this is an excellent chance to learn - and hopefully contribute!
I’m keen as for what’s coming :smiley:

Saucy documentation

Pycom’s machine-I2C: https://docs.pycom.io/firmwareapi/pycom/machine/i2c/
Looks suspiciously like the stock-standard implementation: class I2C – a two-wire serial protocol — MicroPython 1.16 documentation
Also no mention of there being any specific changes between the chips(pic below)
VEML6030 - registers and addresses: https://www.vishay.com/docs/84367/designingveml6030.pdf