Project by MarkMakies; Salvaged Street Light Conversion

At the end of the day the whole idea of fields, particles, waves, etc. is just a model to describe phenomena and make predictions.

It’s a very well supported idea and has worked to allow for some pretty impressive technologies to be developed, but at the end of the day it is just a model, we’ll probably have a new or slightly changed one in another century or two.

It is a little spooky though as it breaks the idea that one or the other is definitively the “right answer” which often makes people uncomfortable.

I covered it back in mecha a few years back myself, I got surprised by the result myself before I understood why it works.

Hi Mark

That sounds all pretty hairy. If the load changes for any reason the voltage will be all over the place.

Fair enough But if you consider your earlier post

It appears it is “broke” already.
Cheers Bob

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And as an extension of Bryces main reply, there is the question (which is still definitively un-answered)

With what do we see colour?

Our eyes are only receivers of radiations within a narrow range of wavelengths (noting that this range does vary person to person) typically 380 nanometres to 780 nanometres.

So does our brain ‘see colour’ ?

Light striking a surface will (if the surface is coloured) be selectively absorbed so that we only receive the non-absorbed frequencies.


This all is simple to here… (with the assumption that ‘white light’ contains all possible colours)

BUT, if I pre-filter the light so that only Red and Green strike the white surface - what colour do I see?
NB this could be two discrete light sources so no commonality there either…

Both are reflected equally by the surface…

My eye only receives the red and green frequencies …

Yet I see YELLOW !

Does our eye somehow combine the received frequencies to become a different frequency?
Does our brain do the maths necessary to present the perception of yellow, instead of red and green individually (yet simultaneously present)?? And what exactly is white light - after all it can be
broken out into all possible colours with a prism… How are all of those processed by our Mark 1 eyeball / brain vision system?

Light can be just as mysterious and interesting now, as it might have been to a caveman looking into the colours of their first artificial light source - a fire. :fire:

cheers all


Maybe when your going really really fast - red shift might kick in.

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