Project by Michael; WiFi Garage Door Controller with Raspberry Pi Pico W

Hi Michael and thank you for this great idea. I have figured out how to add pwa functionality so that when you add it to your screen it’s in a standalone look by serving a manifest.
So far I’ve only made it standalone display and name but plan to add background color and maybe an icon. Check out the progress at:


Awesome, @Mr270063 :smiley:

I’d love to see a screenshot of your demo when it’s done!
Presently every time I open my bookmarklet from my home screen it opens a new tab every time in my browser… it means my browser is often littered with Garage Door tabs :sweat_smile:
I’m guessing that creating this as a PWA would prevent this?


All done. I put a generic icon in there but it’s fine. Check out the process screenshots and code. Feel free to update yours with the new stuff if you like.


That looks great @Mr270063 - nice upgrade :smiley:
Thanks for sharing this in the comments of the original project. I’m sure other curious users will find there way here to make use of your upgrades. Nice one :+1: