What sensor would be best for my project

awesome Jim, the way they explain it, \n was for a new line. I think I can delete that and it should work.



I don’t need to use any of the loop code as I an going to call it by
Serial1.write (PT09 WAV);

In the loop code what is needed for the FlushInput() function? Do I need it?


Hardware USARTs operate independent of the program. If valid serial data is received it will be stored in a small buffer. If the data is not read by the program in a timely manner it will be overwritten leading to potentially corrupt message.

My understanding of flushinput().
It reads any data in the buffer to clear it, ensuring the next received data will be part of a valid message.
It may or may not be needed. Suggest trying without it.

I think flushinput() was part of the early development of the Arduino Compiler and is not really needed now but is kept in to be compatible with old code. I think handling of serial data is better in the current version of the Arduino.

Anyway …


Ok thanks for the explanation. I will post what I find once finished.

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menucommands_not_using_software_serial:189:29: error: stray '\' in program

Serial1.write(PT09 WAV\n);

SOLUTION1: The Nano33BLE did not like this format. It works with Serial1.write("#9"); the \n scares it too so delete that.

SOLUTION2: To upload files or to open the SFX board as a USB with your PC onceSFX board is wired up to an Arduino:

Put a switch inline with the GND to UG connection on the SFX and open the contacts to float the connection and this will allow USB connection to a PC, recognise the device as a USB drive and now you can upload your files. No need to disconnect the board from your Arduino board.