Retired (again) Electrical Teacher-Author-Writer, Co-author of Electrical Principles for the Electrical Trades: McGraw-Hill, Ham Radio Operator - VK4WG, ex VK4NLU/ZRI/KNH.
I like pottering with electronics, old cars (19711MGB-GT at the moment), computers and aviation simulation.
I built my first computer from 7 ICs in the mid 1970’s, mostly TTL. Used Z80s,M6800/02/03/05/705/09, 6502, et.al.
Have grown up on BASIC,Assembler,CP/M,MDOS,MS-DOS,OS9, OS-X, Linux-Ubuntu. Don’t ask me what I remember as I will either not know or will talk your hind leg off! -depending on the topic.
Worked as an Electrician, Technician, Instrument Tech, before teaching Apprentices and Computing and Engineering Students.