Yes, this code uploads to Thingspeak no problem:
Description: Writes values to fields 1,2,3,4 and status in a single ThingSpeak update every 20 seconds.
Hardware: Arduino Uno WiFi Rev2
!!! IMPORTANT - Modify the secrets.h file for this project with your network connection and ThingSpeak channel details. !!!
- Requires WiFiNINA library.
- This example is written for a network using WPA encryption. For WEP or WPA, change the WiFi.begin() call accordingly.
ThingSpeak ( ) is an analytic IoT platform service that allows you to aggregate, visualize, and
analyze live data streams in the cloud. Visit to sign up for a free account and create a channel.
Documentation for the ThingSpeak Communication Library for Arduino is in the folder where the library was installed.
See for the full ThingSpeak documentation.
For licensing information, see the accompanying license file.
Copyright 2018, The MathWorks, Inc.
#include “ThingSpeak.h”
#include <WiFiNINA.h>
#include “secrets.h”
char ssid[] = SECRET_SSID; // your network SSID (name)
char pass[] = SECRET_PASS; // your network password
int keyIndex = 0; // your network key Index number (needed only for WEP)
WiFiClient client;
unsigned long myChannelNumber = SECRET_CH_ID;
const char * myWriteAPIKey = SECRET_WRITE_APIKEY;
// Initialize our values
int number1 = 0;
int number2 = random(0,100);
int number3 = random(0,100);
int number4 = random(0,100);
String myStatus = “”;
void setup() {
Serial.begin(115200); // Initialize serial
// check for the WiFi module:
if (WiFi.status() == WL_NO_MODULE) {
Serial.println(“Communication with WiFi module failed!”);
// don’t continue
while (true);
String fv = WiFi.firmwareVersion();
if (fv != “1.3.0”) {
Serial.println(“Please upgrade the firmware”);
ThingSpeak.begin(client); //Initialize ThingSpeak
void loop() {
// Connect or reconnect to WiFi
if(WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED){
Serial.print(“Attempting to connect to SSID: “);
while(WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED){
WiFi.begin(ssid, pass); // Connect to WPA/WPA2 network. Change this line if using open or WEP network
// set the fields with the values
ThingSpeak.setField(4, number1);
ThingSpeak.setField(5, number2);
ThingSpeak.setField(6, number3);
ThingSpeak.setField(7, number4);
// figure out the status message
//if(number1 > number2){
myStatus = String(“field1 is greater than field2”);
// }
// else if(number1 < number2){
//myStatus = String(“field1 is less than field2”);
// }
// else{
// myStatus = String(“field1 equals field2”);
// }
// set the status
// write to the ThingSpeak channel
int x = ThingSpeak.writeFields(myChannelNumber, myWriteAPIKey);
if(x == 200){
Serial.println(“Channel update successful.”);
Serial.println("Problem updating channel. HTTP error code " + String(x));
// change the values
if(number1 > 99){
number1 = 0;
number2 = random(0,100);
number3 = random(0,100);
number4 = random(0,100);
delay(20000); // Wait 20 seconds to update the channel again