ADA1141 data logging shield with DFR0009 LCD

Project was to build a data logger with interactive push button screen for out of office monitoring ie not connected to laptop/PC…
Bought UNO R3, ADA1141 Rev B data logger shield by Adafruit and the DFR0009 LCD shield with push buttons…what could go wrong !
What hasn’t gone wrong…
Sitting the shield straight onto the UNO without the 2X3 headers fitted, the RTC fired up and started clocking a treat, got exited!
Dropped the DFR0009 display on top and started writing to the screen using the push buttons to display time, temperature sensors etc, getting really excited !
Then the misery started, next step to fire up the SD card…
I’ll cut to the chase, the SD initialization is a nightmare.
Unless you fit the 2X3 headers when you install the headers yourself, it just won’t go…solved that problem by installing the 2X3 headers and the SD initialized immediately BUT the screen was still disfunctional.
We then looked at the shared pin 10 so we cut the trace across to CS but the screen would still not work, by now the shield was close to being binned as now the SD wouldn’t initiate on it’s own with the screen removed…
Then we worked out that CS is actually the ChipSelect for the SD initiation so as per the data sheet I hot wired CS to unused pin 13 (isolated from the 2X3 headers) to see if that got the SD going again…unfortunately NOT… data logger shield almost in the bin now!
All this time the RTC just keeps ticking away…
So I am at a total loss, data logger shield completely disfunctional except for the RTC, DFR0009 screen disfunctional when the data logger shield is installed, many hours lost for what was to be a pet project, very disappointed.So Has anyone else tried to do above or similar aas the problem is almost certainly the ADA1141

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PS I forgot to add that when I hot wired CS to pin 13, I DID re-assign chipSelect = 13 in the sketch

Please try to test the components individually.

Hi Lia
Been there, done all of that, yes the individual components work fine and from an exhaustive conversation with AdaFruit since posting this, we are still no closer to a solution…