Adafruit M0 Basic

I installed the latest CircuitPython easily using the built-in usb drive interface, but I’m not seeing a serial interface for some reason. Makes it very hard to experiment with code.

Hey Politas,

That’s interesting, can you please send through a screen shot of device manager if you’re running windows similar to the one I’ve added below. It should be recognized by your machine when it’s connected, and then listed here.

I’m running Linux.

$ lsusb 
Bus 001 Device 016: ID 239a:8015 Adafruit Feather M0
$ ls /dev/ttyACM*

What the heck? Now it appears? It was completely refusing to do so the other day.

Hey Politas,

How unusual, it may have been a bad connection to the board (either a missing data line on the USB connection or loose ports) Please let us know if you run into any other issues with it.

Nice! Which distro?


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Ah very nice, another Arch-based OS. Please let us know if there’s anything else that we can do for you. Have a great day!

Is there any way to access more than that tiny 2MB of SPI RAM for scripts and libraries? It doesn’t take a lot of libraries to fill it up.

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Do you mean the M0 express? I don’t think the M0 basic has any SPI RAM. The M0 express has a 2MB chip soldered on the board. Short of replacing the chip with something larger, you stuck with the 2MB. For reference, the RAM chip is the 8 pin chip near the SAMD21.

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The M0 Basic certainly has some storage available as a drive with CircuitPython installed, but maybe it’s not spi ram? The M0 Express I ordered has turned up, so I’ll see what difference that makes.

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Sounds good Politas!

I did a little reading up on this and found some datasheets for the m0 basic you may be interested in, Robin is exactly right, there doesn’t appear to be any SPI RAM on this board, but you should be able to use your new m0 express for that functionality if you haven’t already found another method to store the data you need.

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Ah, yes, 2MB of storage is waaaay more than the 47KB CircuitPython leaves on the M0 Basic. All the libraries fit with ease! Now I can stuck into making my clock work!

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See I’m not crazy. No really I’m not.

The 256Kb on the SAMD21 is huge compared to most Arduinos but just barely enough for circuit python.

Is your other board the proto board? Maybe you could look at adding the external RAM to it?

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Actually, I ended up using a Huzzah esp32 board and doing it all in C++ instead. I couldn’t get the Circuit Python library for the LED backpack to work.

My C++ code is probably a long way from optimal, but it shouldn’t matter for this.