OS: Raspberry Pi Bookworm (32 Bit)
Tutorial Followed: [Object and Animal Recognition With Raspberry Pi and OpenCV - Tutorial Australia](Object and Animal Recognition With Raspberry Pi and OpenCV - Tutorial Australia
Target: To detect birds using OpenCV
Library: All libraries installed except libpng12-dev, replaced by other latest one.
Problem faced after providing “make -j $(nproc)” command. Everything followed to the point.
Last Output: [ 36%] Linking CXX shared library …/…/lib/libopencv_tracking.so [ 36%] Built target opencv_tracking make: ***** [Makefile:166: all] Error 2
I used 32-bit instead of 64-bit because it was giving more errors Kindly help me in making this.
Hi @AryanKamal270819
Welcome to the forums.
I’ve seen this [Makefile 16x: all] Error 2
error before.
This was the thread where it came up.
Hopefully it woks for you.
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