Two ESP32-C3, one programmed for TX and the other RX using WIFi, powered via USB. They appeared to run hot and the RX has failed and doesn’t show on the IDE port selection.
I’ve swapped ports and the TX follows so the CPU ports are ok.
These were purchased on 7/03/2025.
Hi Alan
Is the USB supply from a computer or is it a separate supply.
If separate is it too high somehow.
I think a bit more info required.
Cheers Bob
Hi Robert,
Both supplies are from the computer, one computer two ports. Also I wish to add that both ESP32 were running stand alone (nothing connected to there pins.
Hi Alan
Well that eliminated that idea. That is half the secret to diagnosing problems, a systematic elimination of possibilities starting with the power source. It at first sounded like it could have been on board regulator overheating and failure caused by over voltage input.
Afraid I will have to leave this one to the ESP32 gurus.
Will watch with interest.
Cheers Bob
What steps have you taken to confirm that the RX device has failed? For instance, if it is the only device connected, do you see the port in Device Manager, or do you see any unknown USB devices? How are you booting with the RX Device? Have you configured it in the IDE with USB CDC on Boot Enabled?
Thanks Bob.
Hi Jeff,
I plugged the working board into either port and it registered on either port using IDE Port select, the faulty board didn’t register. I’m booting the both TX and RX the same 'Boot Enabled". They both worked flawlessly for several hours then RX died, I did notice that they both what I considered were hot during operation, the RX more.
If it is the only device connected, do you see the port in Device Manager, or do you see any unknown USB devices?
No Jeff,
I only see Comms 1 but not comms 3 or 4 which were recognized by ESP32 ( family device)
If the additional port does not appear in Device Manager when you plug the ESP in, then it won’t appear in the IDE. These chips run very hot (too hot to touch when running wireless) so I’m not sure that temperature would be an issue, but it does appear that the RX device has died.
Thanks for reply, you have cleared up the temperature issue. Very interesting my understanding coming from my background as an R & D electronics engineer was that if you can’t keep your fingers on a component it was over 50deg and the life of the component was halved.
All the best
Does it work if you force into boot loader mode?
Ie hold boot button while powering on.
Hi Alan
Another rough measure was if the component did not evaperate or frizzle your spit it was probably working OK.
Cheers Bob
Hi Michael,
I tried the Forced boot loader again and yes this time it was a success, must have not done it incorrectly before. Thanks
All the best
Hi Bob,
So this is the "Sizzle Test"like cooking a steak on the BBQ.
All the Best
Thanks for letting us know that you got it working. The buttons are quite fiddly so it can sometimes take several goes to get it to boot correctly.
Good to hear.
This is more a comment, but if you think its too hot, it could just be a very busy CPU; e.g. something in a tight loop creating high cpu usage.
I do find it interesting that the RX unit was the issue. I would expect wifi TX to use more CPU/Power then RX, where they both about the same temperature (as per your est.)?
Hey @Alan226529,
Glad to hear you got this sorted! Thanks for the advice @Michael99645.
I did a bit of a dig on the temperature specs for the ESP32-c3 out of curiosity and if I am reading the datasheet correctly it looks like they have an expected temperature range of 40-105 degrees Celsius! Way hotter than I was expecting but this does line up with my experience, especially using the smaller form factor dev boards.
Section 1.2, Page 12 if you are interested.
Hi Alan
That’s it !!
Cheers Bob
According to the data sheet at S5.6 Tx uses about 3 times the power of Rx (up to 335mA vs ~85mA) so the expectation would be that the Tx unit would be much hotter.