Hakko FX-888D Digital Soldering Station (CE04584)

You haven’t seen my lack of eye and hand co-ordination. Other things in play but won’t get into it here.

Just waiting for my soldering station to be dispatched now. Christmas has slowed things down a lot.


Hi Miki
I suffer a similar problem. What you have to do is get the job and your hands shaking in sync. Works every time.
Cheers Bob
PS. I think those specs are called multifocal. I found when I was working I needed them to focus on things of varying distance. Found them good and have been using for something like 30 years now.


Tried a pair years ago when I first noticed the keyboard and screen go fuzzy but persisted due to lack of money. I could not get used to the line in the middle though. These new ones are great, finally back to writing software. My 80,000 line (big for me!!) will swell to 120,000 lines and will be finished next year!! (Because I can see what I am doing)


I have both a multifocal and a bifocal pair of prescription glasses. I find neither works for me and I never use them.

As I see it, the problem is the tiny area of the corrective lens. It’s so small I can only read a book by moving my head from side to side and up and down. Hopeless if I try them in using a PC. They do work for driving, but I don’t need them when driving.

I don’t understand why they make the area so small. I was told it’s because we don’t use our peripheral vision when reading. That’s right – we move our eyes, and these specs don’t take that into account. The optometrists need to develop skills in harvesting user experience.


Hi Miki

With the line in the middle they would be “BBi-focal” there also exists “Tri-focal” but not so common. These “New” ones you have are called "Multifocal where the gradient from “reading” to long distance is gradual.
While working I found my head and eyes in some pretty awkward places (not all electronic work is sitting at a bench wielding a soldering iron and multimeter leads) and focus requirements between about 200mm and a few metres. Multifocal proved to be the answer.

BUT, as John says they are not suited to everybody and take some getting used to. My brother for instance could never get the hang of it. It is true you have to get used to moving your head instead of just your eyes but as usual there is a compromise somewhere. You are apparently finding them very useful.

But this is digressing somewhat. So happy soldering with your new Hakko and I am certain you will find it easy to use and will do the job.
Cheers Bob


I love a good digression. Note sure I will be doing any soldering in this weather:):slight_smile:


Soldering station arrived today, very pretty!! Won’t have time to play because we are in the middle of trying to sell the house.

Pity the Australia Post people refuse to wear masks when they deliver and make me nervous.

First thing I need to do when I have time is solder header pins (And buy more) onto an oled and an lcd.


A tip when soldering. If you get a whiff of burning plastic – investigate!

I have several objects of varying value with scars where they have been melted by the iron. I reckon in each case I got that whiff of burning plastic but continued with whatever task I was concentrating on.

Also, good practice is to always put the iron back into its holder after use.


Should I even ask where you have been sticking your iron???

Too busy to do anything right now. We are putting the house up for sale and trying to find somewhere to live. No time to burn plastic.



For a while I used a small metal bridge that came with the iron. So it mostly lay on the desk and other objects wandered too close to the iron (we all know how so-called inanimate objects are not). I would be head down on some task and not really pay attention when I got a whiff of plastic.

I now have a third hand which really is a necessity. That has a spiral holder for the iron.

But then the iron burnt the plastic knob on a grub screw on the third hand.


You are scaring me now. In our house, any accident waiting to happen is called me and my cat.She who must floof sits wherever she likes and cause some problems.