Local Network

Hello I’m looking for a Product which allow you to create a Local Network and Give you an IP so I can connect it with my Web application to Chat between users Locally . Do you have this in your inventory?


Hi @ErnstJunior277650

It may be CE staff can recommend a specialized product.

Did you know that PiHole can be used as a dhcp server out of the box?
Perhaps an SBC will be a flexible solution for you.


Any of the ESP32 development boards can be configured as a stand-alone WiFi network server.

See, for instance: ESP32 Access Point (AP) for Web Server | Random Nerd Tutorials

This is an example of an ESP32 development board:


Hi Ernst,

Welcome to the forum! Both @Pixmusix and @Jeff105671 have some lovely recommendations. Following on from Jeff’s there are already some projects out there you can follow.

Chatterbox is a program that was written a few years ago for this reason. There are a few guides floating about that will help you download and set it up.

As for what board to use, most if not all ESP32s will work. I am currently a fan of the XIAO ESP32-C3s as they are small I can solder a battery connector straight to it. If there are other features than interest you there may be a more specific board for you.