This PIC programmer, from Cana Kit, is a professional USB PIC Programmer offering ZIF (Zero Insertion Force) sockets, an ICSP header, and an ICD2 port for easy PIC programming. The programmer is 100% compatible with MPLAB (PICkit 2 interface), and therefore can program practically any PIC microcontroller including the PIC16F84A, PIC16F628, PIC18F458 and PIC16F877.
The instruction manual for this programmer is based on the PICKit 2 design, which according to Microchip supports the PIC16C55A.
It’s easy enough to read the firmware to a hex file, providing protection hasn’t been enabled. Without buying a programmer, the only way to know if read protection is enabled is to check the original code or ask the author.
PIC16F57 and PIC16C55A appear similar in pinout, though have different features. It might be best to purchase the original device to avoid firmware/periphery conflicts.
If you did have the original hex file from the author or OEM, then Microchip can load the hex file as a part of the purchase.
Hi Graham, thank you Sir.
That’s the info I was after.
As you said, I won’t know if it’s been copy protected until I try to read it.
I’ll take that chance I think.
Funny, the ‘C55A is obsolete, but a few places still sell it in that larger older 28-pin DIP .
That’s good enough for me.
Thanks again, Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year.
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