Very helpful piece of code that got me started. One problem I had was it didn’t work with the Raspberry Pi camera module, at least for me on the 64-bit “BookWorm” version of Raspberry Pi OS. My understanding from reading around is OpenCV can only see USB webcams.
I’ve produced a modified version of your code on my blog that uses camerapi2 which does work with the camera modules.
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Hi All,
These are amazing. I’m using a PCA9685 servo hat as pan and tilt. How will I change the code to use the servo hat rater than pico pan tilt hat?
hello bro, can you help me
hello, i’ve been able to download most things from the tutorial, but once i run this line "cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE \
-D OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH=~/opencv_contrib-4.4.0/modules \
i get these errors:
could someone please help me I need this to work for an engineering project thats due in TWO DAYS:(
Hi, can i get the documentation of the project?
Camera not showing in Raspberry Configuration>Interfaces after connecting rasberry pi camera module V2
Hello Tim,
In your article about the steps for setting up openCV, you stated that if everytime we run into an error while putting “make -j $(nproc)”, we should just retype this command and it will run the downloads again without forgetting the previous downloads. While this was the case with me, but now it no longer works. My download percentage is stuck at “41%” and everytime I run this command it just keeps giving me the same error. Note that I have run this command 20+ times, and have received the same error. I’m trying to follow up with your openCV course but that wouldn’t be possible without the completion of all the downloads. Please refer to the picture below: