When I include ‘import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt_client’ in a micropython program on the RPi3B/Pico I receive the error message 'no module named ‘paho’.
When I check on the RPi terminal where I installed paho.mqt it confirms that the ‘Requirement already satisfied:’
Using the Thonny package management process I can’t locate anything on a PyPI search.
Can anyone confirm that paho should be able to be installed in micropython and if so how.
FYI: If you are using a Pi SBC to program a Pico, any of the guides for the Pico (or Micropython based microcontroller) will be the ones you want to follow
Just remember that the Python on your 3B is separate to the Micropython on your Pico. When you connect your Pico in Thonny you are working directly with Micropython on your Pico, not the Python on your 3B!
MicroPython provides its own MQTT client libraries (umqtt.simple or umqtt.robust) that are lightweight and work well on constrained devices like the Raspberry Pi Pico.