Pico-LoRa-SX1262 Pico-W Web page

Hi Alan,
I’m not sure what that flash tool is for. I haven’t needed to flash anything in my pico projects. I have a project that uses this same lora module on a pico. Actually two of each talking with each other. It’s been a little while since I completed the project but I did make a “Project” for it here on Core Electronics.

All the code is on git hub.
Thinking back to how I got the web page to work on the house end device, I had to start a new process on the second processor core. (The pico processor is dual core)
This way it can do two things at once, Otherwise if the code was processing something else it would miss the http request. Initially I could get the web page to work or I could get the Lora communication to work but not both at once and it was hit and miss.

Cut your code down into modules and test them one at a time.
Do you see the same http problems on a pico without the lora module?
I did a simple web page where a button on a web form can turn the led on and off or play a tone out the speaker.

I also determined that as my code became more complex I was running out of memory and needed to add garbage collections. Part of my debugging was to include how much memory is free.

I build debugging output into my code (not just print statements) so when I’m done with it I can just turn it off by changing one constant.

It you decide to have a look at my gate alarm code let me know if you get stuck on anything.