Pico with MCP23017

I have installed an MCP23017 and the i2c connection to a Pico is established.

Do I need a specific library to address the GPIO pins with micropython and if so what is recommended.

Have you produced a video or notes on this.



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Hey @Toni135859,

It seems like this specific I2C IO expander is mainly used for Arduino applications. I did manage to find a GitHub library in micropython that you may find useful.

Unfortunately, Core Electronics does not currently have any videos or notes on this particular product but hopefully, you can make some progress with that link!

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You can use the micropython library suggested by Samuel. You can also use the Adafruit circuitpython library for MCP230xx GitHub - adafruit/Adafruit_CircuitPython_MCP230xx: CircuitPython driver for MCP230xx GPIO Expanders
If you want to make a breadboard friendly MCP23017 board, you can see this design: Breadboard friendly MCP23017 Breakout board, TSSOP28 version - Share Project - PCBWay

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