PiicoDev addons

Hi Guys.

Any chance of a microSD card reader in the same size/shape as your other devices?



I could not find a PiicoDev microSD card reader. However, the Makerverse MicroSD Card Adapter supports Arduino Uno, Raspberry Pi, Pico etc.

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Hi Alan,

There was mention of one being made in one of the factory episodes on the factory, what kind of projects were you looking to implement this in?

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Hi Liam,

Nothing specific at this stage. I just like the form factor of the PiicoDev stuff and the ability to stack them in a very small place.


Hi Alan,

The Makerverse SD card is physically smaller than a standard sized PiicoDev module with respect to its height and width so you can probably fit one inside that outline, the main difference is that SD card modules have traditionally used the SPI interface. To keep within the PiicoDev ecosystem we’d need to make sure there is an outward facing I2C interface which presents a few technical trade offs to be considered.

Good to know there is some interest out there for SD card modules in the PiicoDev ecosystem but we don’t have an ETA just yet for that one.