SAMD21 Dev Breakout com port detection and upload problems

Hi Folks
I try to upload sketches to the SparkFun SAMD21 Dev Breakout through COM12, its throwing error COM12 is not available. The Arduino IDE display the following message. "Couldn’t find a Board on the selected port. Check that you have the correct port selected. I am using Arduino: 1.8.5 (Windows 10), Board: “SparkFun SAMD21 Dev Breakout”

However, If we use UART USB connection to SparkFun SAMD21, device manager recognises the port and Ardunio but when we try to upload it is not recognizing any ports. I followed some of the tips provided in following URL but did not work out for me. (

Please find the image links for your info.

We also followed:

Any thoughts on the issue. Thanks in advance!

Hi Sheker,

Are you sure that you have entered bootloader mode when connecting your devices? Are the correct device drivers installed?

This sounds like a driver issue to me!

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Hi Stephen,
I try to do manually by entering bootloader mode as instructed on their website “rapidly double-tapping the reset button . (After hitting the reset button once, you have about half a second to hit it again to enter bootloader mode.)” . The board is not responding to it.

Hi Sheker,

I’m not too sure what the fault might be then. Perhaps the bootloader is corrupted. I’ve invited @clinton to this thread to see if he has any suggestions.

Thanks Stephen.
Look forward to Clinton help.

Sorry for the slow reply, Are you able to connect to the COM12 with a program like PuTTY?

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Hi Clinton,
No luck using putty, please find enclosed images.


Hi Sheker,

I believe the Baudrate will need to be 9600, not 4800.

Hi Stephen,
I tried again, same issue, cant see the port.
Putty%20-9600 Putty-COM12-Error

So it is showing up in the device manager as COM12 but does not show up in Putty?
Are you able to open up the command prompt (cmd in the start menu) and run mode
and see what the results are?

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No. It does not show any port, if connect USB to PC. The Device Manager is not showing any ports. However when I connect UART USB to Spark Fun it showing COM12 and also shows in device manager as COM Port 12 but when I run the Arduino code it shows above error as No Device found on COM12.

Hi Sheker,

It sounds like there may be a fault on the board itself. Hit reply to your original order confirmation email and include a link to this thread and we will take the next steps!

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Thanks Stephen for all your help.

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I purchased a XIAO SAMD21 a month ago. Board worked fine for about 2 hours, over several evenings, then disappeared, com port in Arduino IDE went grey, no device in device manager. Repeated attempts to use the ‘short the reset pads’ trick did not work. I see a lot of others reporting the same problem over at Seeed forum. I understand there is a way of re-loading the bootloader via an intermediate MCU but I really dont want to be bothered with this, and I shouldnt have to.

To keep my hobby project moving foward I have replaced the SAMD21 with a XIAO ESP32-C3 purchased in the same Core order, which also worked first time, however I am concerned that the same problem will occur sooner or later with this second board.

Are these XIAO boards without a separate USB serial chip as per the classic Nano/Unos prone to this? Do other maker’s boards (eg the $9 ESP32-C3 board also available here) not suffer from this problem? Is there anything I should know to avoid this problem happening again?

At this point my SAMD21 board is bricked.