I have 3 x Sparkfun OPT4048 Tristimulus Colour Sensors, all 3 are on the same I2C wire but their address has been changed to be unique for each, this has been confirmed to be working with Arduino I2C scanner and each comes back as happy on their own channel.
My issue is being able to specify which of the 3 sensors to retrieve data from in software.
I wish to be able to read sensor #1, read sensor #2, etc then display/process results.
In the past i used a chip to select between 8 inputs to read due to chips having a fixed I2C address on both, but this time i wish to avoid excess components.
Searching online has sent me in circles with no real answers that can explain how to setup the code to be able to address the sensors individually.
My simple request is has anyone else setup multiple of the same I2C device on the same channel but each having it’s own ID and then being able to read each uniquely.
The setup is
Arduino Nano – I2C – Sensor (0x44) – Sensor (0x45) – Sensor (0x46)
i think that works, well the output has changed
Sensor 1 - providing feedback (Yes!)
Sensor 2 - NAN
Sensor 3 - NAN
I have a suspicion the inlude file is locked into using one address only but my skill set isn’t to that level yet.
Thank you for the reply it has progressed my project further.