Using Mini Maestro 24-channel USB Servo Controller

Let me state at the beginning that I’m not into electronics. I know a little but just enough to get me into trouble. My interest is in model railways. And I’d like to use servos to change the points/turnouts/switches (whatever you choose to call them) and change the polarity of the frog of the point.

I’ve been investigating methods for controlling servos and, after watching the Pololu video, this controller seems to be a good choice. I was concerned that the board would require a permanent connection to a PC to operate but I see that’s not so. I don’t want to end up spending more time programming and less time “playing with trains”. So I’m avoiding using an Arduino. Or a Raspberry Pi (I have an original).

I have 20 or so points to control and I’d like to do that by using a buttons to trigger the servo and leds to show the position of the point. The push buttons and leds will be mounted away from the board on the fascia near the point.

Unfortunately, the Pololu video didn’t show how to connect the buttons.

Am I going down the wrong track or is this something you can assist me with?


Please refer to the Mini Maestr User Guide. Section 4 covers configuring individual channels as input or output, and section 7 shows how to connect LEDs and buttons, and the components needed to make it work.

With 20 sets of points, you will need more than 1 board as channels can only be used in 1 mode at a time.

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Thanks. After reading section 7, I can see that I need 3 channels for each set of points; 1 for the servo, 1 for the button and 1 for the led. That means I need 3 of 24 channel boards. Unfortunately, that makes this option less attractive as it becomes no more economical than other, ready-made options.