Water tank level monitoring + Node Red

Thanks guys,
Noting the possible electrolysis issues, Im thinking of reverting back to measuring the depth of my water tank(s) with an ultrasonic sensor (with LoPy4 via TTN & NodeRed).

I would want the LoPy4 to wake once from Deepsleep every 24hrs and the battery to last for a couple of months (or more).

A few questions please:

  1. What regulator would you suggest to power the sensor (SEN0208)?
  2. Which battery would you suggest to achieve my goal of a couple of months?

If the 5V power drain would be too large for a sensible battery size, what size solar panel and which solar charger? I wondered if this (PRT-13781) panel would be OK, coupled with this (PRT-12885) charger, but confess I dont have much of an idea in this space.
