The only other thing I can think of is file ownership, i.e. the user the script is running as, doesn’t have permissions to access hardware peripherals.
In the terminal, I typed sudo mousepad /etc/rc.local to edit it
I added /home/pi/inky/examples/7color/ /home/pi/inky/examples/7color/hello-world.html
and it did something interesting. It created a new screenshot in the filesystem root folder /screenshot.png with the content that I want to display.
It didn’t put it on the e-ink display, but it did something, which was the lightbulb moment! That it references didn’t know where that picture was and therefore couldn’t run.
I edited the last line of to /home/pi/examples/7color/ /screenshot.png
and it works perfectly!!
Thank you so much James(!!!) for your help in getting this going, and I will share the final project once its finished.
Oh yes! (sory for the late reply) I saw this one a while back and it’s the PERFECT size for my art. Upscaling the art I make comes out to the exact same height of 480. I’m actually waiting on a photoframe made using that screen. I’m looking forward to displaying multiple art pieces!
Hi - I really like the colors you achieved with your code. Is there a way I can use this for the inky frame? It uses the same screen, but with a picow, so it uses Thonny to communicate with the screen.
Looks like the image example script doesn’t provide a saturation option (processing images is hard work, probably beyond a Pico), so I would up the saturation in paint.NET or GIMP before transferring it to the Pico.
When I run “python3”, I get “Detected 7-Colour (UC8159)
Usage: --file image.png (–saturation 0.5)”
Has the command changed?
Welcome to the forum! When running python3 you will need to specify your file path. Have you done this? Which Pi and OS are you using as well?