Hi Guys,
I work in the area of super slow motion photography with frame rates (reduced pixel count) up to 305,000 frames per second. These cameras have advanced features including 4 synchronised Analog channels and sophisticated triggering capabilities.
My background is Geophysics and in the 70s and 80s I was engaged in instrumenting factories and laboratories using Hewlett Packard Instrument Systems.
There is a need to provide analog signals for the analog recording channels.
This is especially the case when doing slow motion work around blast characterisation, where the Z axis is the most significant and is usually recorded. The charges used are up to 50Kg of high explosive and, yes, this is done on a specialised testing range, with many safety measures in place, with humans set back 1,600m from the detonation point.
The intent is to have four (4) accelerometers:
- 2 of Adafruit H3LIS331 Ultra High Range Triple-Axis Accelerometer - STEMMA QT / Qwiic (± 100g/200g)
- 2 of Adafruit LIS3DH Triple-Axis Accelerometer (±2g/4g/8g/16g)
As a minimum the 4 accelerometers need to be sampled at 500 Hz, with 1 KHz being preferable.
These four accelerometers will be interfaced to a single, or, if required, to multiple Ardunio/s or other small single board computers which will:-
- calculate the g forces on the z axis and output that to an analog port for connection to one of the camera ports.
- Write the X,Y and Z accelerations to a USB memory stick.
As this is my first project using single board computers there may be better ones than Ardunios to do this project with.
Would you please advise me a suitable parts list to complete the project, including the most appropriate single board computer/s, cables and power supply.
The link below is for the Datasheet - H3LIS331DL - High-g, low-power 3-axis digital accelerometer
Thanks for your assistance.
Greg Atkinson