Checking Raspberry Pi Functioning

Hi, Recently bought a Pi Zero Kit to use with my Tilt Hydrometer ( monitoring and logging to the Tilt Cloud beer Specific Gravity as it ferments. I have flashed the micro sd card with Baleno Etcher and loaded the Tilt Pi program, set up the wifi and Tilt config files on the sd card but I am not receiving any notification of my Tilt hydrometer in water being recognised or any data.
Is there any self test or otherwise to check the Raspberry Pi is functioning ?? At the moment I do not know whether the Pi is working functional (I have the green power light or it is a Tilt issue).
I can reflash the micro Sd if required.
Any help would be great

Hey Nigel,

First step to verify the Pi is to try a clean setup of Rasbian or NOOBS on a known good micro SD card. Also you need to make sure you have the HDMI connection plugged in BEFORE you power on the Pi.


Can I access Rasbian or Noobs from this site ( or where from) and do I use etcher to flash the OS onto the micro sd. what am connecting the HDMI to beside the Pi before powering.
What am I looking for after powering up ??? Really, really new at Raspberry Pi.



You can always try reading the “Getting started” tutorials in the tutorial section of the web site.

Are just a couple that should help.

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This all good to watch but I’m using a Mac OS. Are these tutorials also
provided using a Mac format.



The steps are very much the same. Balena Etcher is available for the Mac, with install instructions on the download page. The Mac has ssh for remote connection. Run it from the terminal program.

Use your favourite search engine to find out how to do the particular step[s] you are not sure of.


You have to understand I am a novice at all this, I do have computer
skills but I am trying to find out whether this Pi isworking or is
. I need to basic steps to follow so I don’t do something to
my computer to render it useless.

At the moment it appears the Pi is not to be communicating with
wifi/internet/cloud services when connected with power. I have
contacted you guys as there is a lot of dud information on the internet.

Where do I find the “terminal” program ??

I have used Balena Etcher.

Am I better off returning the complete package to you guys ???

Nigel Hayes