Facial recognition

I just found how get on the forum my name is James.
I installed facial recognition on my raspberry pi 4.
I run the camera to take pictures press the space bar my picture went in my james folder.
I had installed all.the code on the sheet.
I run sudo apt-get install python opencv .
It came back latest version installed
before the i had run the code cd racial recognition
/facial recognition python train_model.py
No opencv installed ?
I also run python
Import opencv2
Error message
Any help. In instaĺling opencv
What gone wrong
Thanks any help

Hi @James217596

You’ve installed pythoncv with apt as sudo. That’s totally fine. :slightly_smiling_face:
I believe that means you also need to run your python scripts as sudo.

sudo python3 python train_model.py

Could that be it?

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Facial recognition technology sure has come a long way, hasn’t it? It’s fascinating how it’s being integrated into various aspects of our lives, from unlocking smartphones to enhancing security systems. I believe it’s a double-edged sword though - while it offers convenience and efficiency, there are valid concerns about privacy and potential misuse.