I am trying to use the adafruit servo hat, with gripper/servo.
Hat/Servo isn’t working (program runs happily but servo doesn’t as much as vibrate, let alone turn.
I used these instructions below from the adafruit tutorial
Things that I can imagine being the problem:
A) my soldering. It looks ok but has been years since I used a soldering iron. 2x20 is soldered at top of board. 3x4 motor pins are soldered from under the hat.
B) I have a lcd screen attached, could it be conflicting? Screen still works after adding the hat and Re attaching the jumpers to the top pins. However the pi/lcd screen are connected using gpio1 3v3. And gpio 3 _bcm 2 sDa
And from what I am reading the hat uses gpio 3 and 5 so conflict on gpio 3
C) I get a weird result running sudo i2cdetect -y 1
See attached. It strikes me that there is a problem in I2c setup, i think this says it is detecting on all Chanels. Would a solder bridge be causing that?
power supply is 5v 2amps so should be adequate.
So that you can calibrate the likely location of my failureI am a reasonable python programmer. I can build flashy led python controlled circuits, and use camera for item detection by colour. Software not hardware/ Electronics is my forte.
———————————————— instructions used
Be sure to align the plug with the ground wire (usually black or brown) with the bottom row (edge of board)and the signal wire (usually yellow or white) on the top.
Connect to pi
Begin by having the Pi shutdown and not powered, plug the HAT on top to match the 2x20 headers, and power up the Pi
I2c configure
Interfacing options
Advanced options
Yes (there isn’t a second kernel question asked for my pi version)
1sudo apt-get install python-smbus
2sudo apt-get install i2c-tools
You can then detect if the HAT is found on the #1 I2C port with:
sudo i2cdetect
Once both of these packages have been installed, and i2cdetect finds the 0x40 I2C address, you have everything you need to get started accessing I2C and SMBus devices in Python.
run the following commands from an appropriate location (ex. “/home/pi”):
1sudo apt-get install -y git build-essential python-dev
2git clone https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_Python_PCA9685.git
3cd Adafruit_Python_PCA9685
4sudo python setup.py install
- sudo python examples/simpletest.py
All advice gratefully received