Gyro Sensor controlling Servo Actuator

Hello Guys,

I am wanting to build a system to keep my Ride on Hedger in a vertical Position, the Actuator will go in and out to keep the blade vertical. Looking for anyone that could help/build the project.

Hey Anthony, welcome to the forums!

This seems like a cool project. Would you be able to give us more information on how you are wanting the Actuator to work to keep the hedger height locked?

Did you have a “pin in hole” style lock in mind or something else?

Look forward to hearing from you.

Thanks Samuel, you will see in the second photo (Blue Arrows) a 12V Actuator, but I want to swap this out with a Servo Type Actuator. so that a Gyro can control it to keep the blade level, as the Actuator goes in and out it keeps the blade (Yellow Arrows) level.

does that make sense?

Hey Anthony,

This does make sense, thanks for the clarification, sorry I didn’t catch that in the image you sent.

I’m not sure where you would source a Actuator for that purpose at that size but I can give you a hand with the control unit.

I would suggest using a simple sensor like this MPU-6050 Module 3 Axis Gyroscope + Accelerometer | 018-MPU-6050 | Core Electronics Australia for the gyroscope control and a microcontroller to read the input from it. I personally prefer Arduino but you could make just about anything work.

Have you put thought into where you want your sensor to be located? The easiest position for accurate data would be on the Hedger mechanism but then you would need to figure out how you would run your cabling back to the Actuator.

In terms of controlling the actuator you should only need a simple relay to control this at the required specs for your chosen actuator.

Hope this helps!