How to power ESP32 Feather with a Rechargeable LiPo battery and recharge the battery through ESP32’s micro usb?


I want the battery to not only be able to power the board but also want to be able to recharge the battery (maybe through the board’s micro SD?) I also want to monitor the battery level.

Can you help with this? or do you have any other suggestions?

Which battery and what other modules are required to make this feature?

Please help.


Hi Arindam,

The original ESP32 Feather features an onboard charging IC for the battery so you can seamlessly switch power sources, you can read more here: Power Management | Adafruit HUZZAH32 - ESP32 Feather | Adafruit Learning System

To measure the battery voltage you’d have to create a voltage divider to step down the batteries voltage sweep to something the ESP’s ADC can handle @Liam120347 has a good guide on setting a similar circuit up here: 12 day project: ESP32 - LED controller - #6 by Liam120347

I’d go with one of the LiPo’s Core stocks and a Featherwing protoboard (so you can solder up the voltage divider).


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