How to program an ATmega Nano

Hi John,
I got a small movie of myKineticArt, but I can’t upload it here. Can you suggest an address where I can send it? It’s 2 MB MOV file.

YouTube would be best

I don’t know of anywhere. Can you do it to YouTube as Graham suggests?

Looking fwd to it.

I uploaded it to my website, on the bottom of this page.
It’s a FLV file.
The best way (imho) was to control it with small DC motors controlled by an Arduino (or Nano).
I still want to get a full repertoire or speed in both directions on both wheels. If someone want’s to help with the programming, I would appreciate it very much.
If someone wants hints how to make one, I am happy to share.


Looks brilliant, Frank. Very illusionary. Towards the end it appears to me to change into a sphere.


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