How to Rotate Raspberry Pi Video Display

Sam just shared a new tutorial: "How to Rotate Raspberry Pi Video Display"

Like many things in the Raspberry Pi ecosystem, functions such as rotating the display output can be a little unintuitive at first. Or perhaps you’re not sure how to get rid of that annoying black outline on your screen. So, we’ve put tog…

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Hi. Just saw the tutorial on how to horizontally flip or 90 degree flip the view on retropie. I could get both to work separately, but not together. I tried listing both lines of code in succession and in combination, but nothings worked. Can you help me?


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Hi Ryan,

To do both, you just need to add the 2 numbers together. So for rotate 90 and horizontal flip, you would use 0x10001 as the number.

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Hi all,

I’m working with a Seeyoo kiosk with a touchscreen and a Raspberry Pi 3 b+. I got the Pi screen rotated to portrait, but I can’t get the touchscreen to change. I tried adding both display and LCD rotate, but it still won’t work. Any ideas? Thanks for any help!

Hi Kristi,
Welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

Display rotate shouldn’t impact the touch screen so that won’t help. LCD rotate should work with the official Pi touchscreen, but if you use both display and LCD rotate at once it might just cancel out and do nothing.

Could you let us know what touchscreen is used in the Seeyoo kiosks so we can have a look into the hardware/drivers and see if we can find a configuration setting that may work for you?

Hi Kristi,

From the looks of things, others have run into the same problem as you:

Generally the way around it is xinput coordinate transformation -
It’s a little tricky, but should do what you’re after.

Let us know how you go!

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I was wondering whether it was possible to rotate the display in the lite OS, without the GUI



Hi Gabriel,

Are you on a Pi 3 or older? If so, you should be able to use /boot/config.txt to rotate things as shown in this thread:

Things get hairy if you’re on a Pi 4, I’m not sure if it can be done, but let us know if this is you!