LCD1602 RGB Module, 16x2 Characters LCD, RGB Backlight, 3.3V/5V, I2C Bus (CE07881)

Necroing this thread…

Does anyone know if the Waveshare LCD1602 RGB is compatible with the HD44780 instruction set? Including display on initialisation?

I have it working on my raspberry pi 4b using the demo python code, however when I try using it with a project that assumes a HD44780 display, it doesn’t turn on.

Pretty confident that I have set the address correctly, as using i2cdetect, I can see the I2C address is 0x3e, which aligns with the python code 0x7c>>1.

The project is GitHub - probonopd/MiniDexed: Dexed FM synthesizer similar to 8x DX7 (TX816/TX802) running on a bare metal Raspberry Pi (without a Linux kernel or operating system).
