Makerverse LoRa-E5 Breakout (CE09196)

This is a placeholder topic for “Makerverse LoRa-E5 Breakout” comments.

Long-range and low power data transmission for remote projects.

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Any chance there’s a fritzing part available for the Makerverse LoRa-E5 Breakout?


Hey @Matthew16091 - welcome to the forums :smiley:

There isn’t yet! We don’t have any immediate plans to make one either.

If you’re interested in making your own
This is an open source project though - If you’re curious about making your own fritzing model you could export .SVGs from the KiCad project (repo) and try your hand at making your own fritzing model (tutorial)

There’s also the official Fritzing page for making custom parts.

If you take the plunge, let us know and we can add it to the repo or you can submit a pull reqeust.:smiley:


Hi Dear, just wondering how setup this lora module on raspberry pi 4 and esp8266. I had tried and didn’t work. Any help?


Hi Gunawan,

ESP8266: First you’ll need micropython on your board of choice, load on the example code (you might have to change the TX and RX pin numbers) and it should work straight away.

Pi: there aren’t any dedicated instructions but the example is written in python which should be easy to adapt with a bit of help from ChatGPT,

Keen to see your project come together!

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Using this module for sending RTK GPS base corrections.

Is there anybody out there who has some experience with using LoRa-E5 for this purpose. I think the module needs to be re-programmed to be able to send larger data packets.

I have found a few links on this path but need some pointers on how to go about this with this particular module.


Hi Don,

How long are the packets you need to send? Seems the E5 is reasonably flexible on length:

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The problem is the AT command is limited to abt 500bytes. The RTCM corrections are a continuous stream.
The other thing is I do not really want to use another mcu to communicate with the E5 module. It has a mcu already in it so would make sense to use that… if I can work out how to program it and upload arduino code.

Hoping someone out there has done this ?

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Hi Don,

Its definitely possible but you a much more advanced feature than using the base AT command set.

A separate parsing microcontroller would definitely be the easy way out!

I’d check out Sparkfuns RTK range to see how they manage to send the base station corrections:
