Makerverse Motor Driver 2 Channel (CE08038)

This is a placeholder topic for “Makerverse Motor Driver 2 Channel” comments.

Drive 2x Brushed DC motors or a bipolar stepper with optional current limiting

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The guide says the motor driver will work up to 16V. The product page does not mention this.
I wanted to use 6x1.3V NiMH cells rather than the 4 mentioned in the guide. Suggest addition to the product page stating the range of voltages that can be supplied to the VM pin on the board. After some investigation I am happy I can use 6 cells safely. Cheers Jim


Hi James,

Looks like we need to make it a bit more visible on the product page, here’s where it currently is:

I’ll make a note to add it to the spec list :slight_smile:


Opps. Didn’t notice that bit.
My bad, I tend to gloss over the blocks of text and read just the bullet points.



Is the Makerverse Motor Driver 2 Channel (SKU CE08038) able to perform microstepping?

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Hey Samuel,

I had a look through the documentation of the TC78H660FTG. As far as that documentation goes, I don’t believe it is capable of Microstepping.
This Motor driver as well as some other motor drivers in Pololu’s range do carry that capability though.


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I need to run 2x 12v electric actuators through a latching toggle switch up and down. Power supply is through a fused 12v battery. Is this what I would need: CE08038?
Ability to sync the speed of the 2 actuators would be nice if simple to do otherwise it may not be a problem as is.

Hi, is it possible to get the MKRVRS motor driver pre-soldered?

Hi Peter,

We don’t have a pre-soldered version available currently, but that module was developed before we had a thru-hole soldering robot so it’s a nice idea. I’ll suggest it to the production team so they can see how viable a pre-soldered spin-off would be.

Hi @Pete35523 - it’s unlikely that we’ll offer pre-soldered Makerverse motor drivers. The additional manufacturing process attracts a surprising amount of R&D and operator time - it would likely make the cost far less attractive for most makers.

Depending on the quantity you need it might be possible to approach your local makerspace / fab lab to see if anybody is keen for short run contract work?

Hi Michael - thanks for you reply and ideas.


Hi @Trent5487676 - thanks for your reply. The robot sounds interesting


Hi Pete,

We’ve got a video that features the soldering robot in our “The Factory” series.

If you like the behind the scenes look into our design and manufacturing workflow we’ve got a whole playlist you can dive into here.

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A few questions – what’s the current rating for the 5V output, would you recommend a resistor between the 5V output and another device and is it possible/recommended to connect the GND from the high power side of the circuit to the low power side?

Hi Sam
The 5V is an input, it is in the same row as all the other required inputs. It is for the on board circuitry. The motor volts input (VM) is on the other side.

Don’t quite understand that. But it is not a very good idea to connect any ground to the high side of any circuit. Magic smoke could be the result. There are 2 grounds shown, one is for logic (5V) ground the other is motor volts ground, Be careful with any cross connection as they could possibly be connected on board.
Cheers Bob

Hi Bob,

On the product page it says “This new, upgraded version features a 5V regulator output”. I checked the schematic and it looks like the output current for the AMS1117 voltage regulator is 1A. Would it be good practice to add a resistor between this 5V output and another device to protect the regulator?

And regarding the GND’s, I’m asking if it’s possible/recommended to connect the GND from the high power side of the circuit to the GND on the low power side of the circuit. Another way of asking this question – is a 5V GND different to a 12V GND and should they be isolated?


Hi Sam
My apologies for not checking the schematic first. Indeed the logic voltage is derived from the motor voltage supply and the 5Vo pin is an output (I did not twig to the significance of the “o”).

BUT… there is something wrong here. The 5Vo pin is supplied via a AMS1117 which is a linear regulator, adjustable as in the old LM317 but in a different package and in this case (-5 suffix) the adjust resistors built in. What I am getting at is I don’t see how a linear regulator can supply a greater voltage that its input.

Now the product text states
and accepts motor-drive voltages from 3-16V at the VM pin
and just below tells about the 5V regulated output.
For this output the input must be 6.5V or above with a regulator minimum or drop out of about 1.5V

So as I see it the text is a bit misleading as even thought is basically true the 5V regulated output would not be available at inputs of below 6.5V.

Core might care to check this and comment / edit

1A should be available but realise this and any extra for the regulator management still has to be provided by the input supply.

They are connected together on board. An important point, The Arduino or other logic driving device ground MUST be connected to this board ground or nothing will work.

A series resistor will produce a voltage drop so the driven device will have somewhat less than 5V applied so it would not be good practise. If you are worried an idea would be to use a “poly fuse” as a temporary protective device then remove it when everything is finalised.
Cheers Bob

Hi Bob,

Fantastic, thank you!


Hi Sam
Polyfuses are also known as poly switch or RTC fuses commonly used in speaker protection. Jaycar stock them as RTC fuses but their lowest trip value is 1.5A.

Note the data sheet does not indicate any maximum load current. This depends on a lot of factors, one of which is the input voltage. If this is kept to a value of a little above the output voltage less volts will be dropped across the regulator so less power will be dissipated as heat.
Example, 12V input 5V output = 7V difference @ 1A = 7W
6.5V (minimum) input 5V output = 1.5V difference @ 1A = 1.5W.
The 1.5V difference is the minimum.
So if your input voltage (VM) is at or a little above 6.5V drawing 1A from this point result in less stress and heating of the regulator IC. If your input voltage goes toward maximum you may need heat sinking but this might not be mechanically practical. In this case I would opt for a separate 5V supply and only use this one for low current applications.
Cheers Bob

Hi Bob,

I’ll be driving a 12V motor but I’m guessing since the voltage regulator will be working to power the HX710C, pulling an extra 50mA from the 5V output won’t make much of a difference to the dissipated heat.

Thanks again!
