One of the high beam bulbs is weaker than the other

Hello. Last year i got installed on my car a module, which automatically turns on high beams on 30% when the voltage reach more than 13v. In other words, when the engine is running. So, i will not forget my lights. But noticed a problem - passenger light(marked with arrow) is weaker than the other. I hope you can see the difference on the pic.

If turn on low beams manually, then high beams, then disconnect them all, they both lights equal. Until stop the engine. I’ve noticed that the bulb has small movement when press it towards the red arrow. Looks like the spring became loose.

Is it possible this causing my issue above :roll_eyes: no blinking or similar during driving

Hi @Ron280737

From my experience with modifying headlights the angle that the bulb is at in the socket is extremely important. I’d say the easiest way to work out if its something electrical or if it is moving in the socket would be to remove the bulb from the housings on both sides (looks like a H3 bulb which relies on current passing through the flange so you would need a way of connecting it to ground on the flange) if it lights up equally then you know its to do with the housing, it may be that there is so corrosion or it also could be as you mentioned and that the bulb is shifting in the housing, if that’s the case you could look at gently bending the retaining clip a little to give it some more contact.

One difference between the two lights is how they are powered. If the passenger side light is powered from a longer wiring run than the other, and if the wire gauge is too small, then voltage drop along that longer length of wire could account for the dimming. Swap the bulbs over to determine whether it is the bulb or the installation that is the problem.

Hi Ron
Look like you are one of these nuisances who like to drive around ai daylight sometimes dazzling others with high beam. You drive on the wrong side of the road to us too.
You might consider using low beam.

You say you dim to 30% so have you though that the dim one is correct and the bright one might be not working???
Worth checking.
Cheers Bob
And yes there is a noticeable difference on the Pic.

I didn’t drive all the time on daylights. Only when the weather is suitable. Some vehicles, like Ford models have this automatically. Other vehicles has led strips inside headlights. They are not dazzling others, no other drivers indicates this.
Bulb is h1, it has one wire for power and another for ground. So, maybe will work outside of the headlight. I’m gonna check

Hi Rob

Yes if it has its own ground wire it should work OK. Also check the connector crimp points for any sign of overheating. I had this problem some time ago with a dim bulb and it was the actual crimp deterioration causing it. New connector and re-crimp and all OK.
Cheers Bob
Add on. My car also has an “Auto” position on the light switch so the light come on when the day darkens. It also couples with the rain sensor so if I have a dull day with rain the lights also come on. Works well BUT they come on at Low Beam by default. I have to select high beam if required.

Something to add - is it relevant to measure the voltage in each high beam fuse nest? To be sure that length of the wires doesn’t create problems