Pi, Pico, ESP32 or Arduino

Why I go Pi.

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Hi John,

What’s the use case and what have you used before? The Pi, Pico, ESP32 and Arduino boards can all generally be used in very similar projects, but (with the exception of the Pi) they’re all microcontrollers that simply execute code to perform some action.

I started off with Arduino devices several years ago and they are great units.

I was won over by the Raspberry Pi after lots of frustration with dealing with Arduino Mega, Uno etc with so many updates for each variation. With the Pi is was Linux install and Python as the language.

The Pi was not as good as the Arduino when it came to analogue inputs and PWM. However I’m happy to spend the money of several ADC devices that handle more inputs than an Arduino and at much higher precision.

The Pi does try to do PWM but does not do it well. However you can add a lot of 16 channel 12 bit PWM/servo outputs that seriously outperform a basic Arduino.

I’ve had success with the Pico W and ESP32 that also support the I2C ADC and PWM/Servo boards and encourage those using these devices to go with the I2C add-ons.

My home automation includes at least 20 Raspberry Pi units that are sometimes in very inconvenient locations for updating. I’m 76 but hope to maintain the current system for several more years. That is why I will not deploy any of my recent Pico or ESP32 modules. It will all be Raspberry Pi modules that I can update with my bum on a seat when there is a security issue or a need for change.

So that is my stance. However I do recommend new Makers to start with the ESP32 (an Arduino) and/or a Pico W. It must be WiFi and you must use MQTT or you will go nowhere.

I also recommend Home Assistant as it will respond to MQTT.

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Hi John,

Thanks for sharing your insight, that’s a great summary of the strengths and weaknesses of each of the major players in the IoT space at the moment.

The Pico W has been a gamechanger with respect to the price for a WiFi enabled board that can be easily adopted by schools with the amount of educational material and support resources they require.
I’d love to see the ESP32 follow suit as it is an excellent price offering but the resources available and the learning curve is definitely steeper for new users.

One of the things I didn’t refer to was the Tasmota flashed ESP32 controller for On/Off etc. I use several of the basic units and up to 15amp contactors for WiFi remote switching thanks to the Tasmota software. I have had about 4 failures that needed a special reset or replacement but they are excellent for 240 volt switching via MQTT. I highly recommend going to Jonathon Oxley’s Superhouse for more information.

The ESP32 is more powerful but for beginners I think the Pico W is a better starting point. It is a close call though.

My main point is that if you are serious don’t waste time and money of stuff that you will later realise has to be replaced.


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On a separate issue I’m after a reliable way of detecting someone walking towards the front door. I have IR and ultrasonic devices but I don’t think the range is good enough.

I had a look at this web site:


I like the fact that they went for results rather than cost and had a good look at the Lidar.

Before placing an order for the Lidar-Lite v3 I wanted to know how I could use it with a Raspberry Pi.

There is the Garmin “support” that does not indicate how to use the library wiless to me:


What made more sense to me was to use the Python library and code:


This is how someone used that library and it also deals with using a 680uF capacitor to protect the sensor and Pi:


I’ll be ordering a Lidar Lite v3 this evening and will advise you of how things worked out. I think you should be letting others know how to use the Lidar rather than providing a video that is not very helpful.


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It solely depends on your purpose. If you want to do ordinary robotics or electronic project, Arduino is enough. You can make basic robots like the line follower with Arduino: "A perfectly working line follower robot using arduino" - Share Project - PCBWay

Now, if you want to move forward, add wifi and bluetooth, you have to choose ESP32. ESP can even make your project more compact: Line Following Robot using Magicbit-(ESP32) - Hackster.io

For embedded linux based projects, machine learning, computer vision, image processing etc. Raspberry pi must be your choice. And for micropython based projects, you can choose pico.