I seem to be having issues connecting my Piico Dev sensor modules when using MIcro:bit despite following the steps in the Video/Written Guides?
I did originally get the Air Quality Sensor working but now I get the following error:
'PiicoDev could not communicate with module at address 0x53, check wiring
PiicoDev could not communicate with module at address 0x53, check wiring
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 7, in
File “”, line 68, in init
File “”, line 65, in init
File “”, line 78, in _read_int
TypeError: object with buffer protocol required
I am using a Piico Dev cable and even tried a different one but still getting the same error once I run the script in Thonny?
I experienced similar errors trying a few other sensors so could it be an issue with the Micro:bit as it appears to be working OK and recognised on Thonny…?
Any help would greatly appreciated.
I think you can follow the last answer here: Piico Dev errors RPI - #4 by Graham
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Thanks and Merry Christmas!
It helps if you connect everything correctly as the two buttons on the Micro:bit need to be facing towards the front! 
All plugged in and running the script successfully and super impressed with this little kit.
Happy Holidays!
Haha! classic! Glad everything’s working out now 
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Thanks again for the tutorial videos and guides as super informative and easy to follow, well unless you’re not paying too much attention and plug things in back the front LOL!
By the way I see that the guides show how to connect multiple of the same sensor via daisy chain and adapting the ASW and script but is their a way to connect say an Air Quality with Precision Temp and LCD screen to show more detailed data for a DIY weather station project…?
Apologies if the question has been asked previously as I wasn’t too confident tinkering with scripts getting the various sensors talking to one another as is possible with similar products from Pimoroni, Grove, Arduino or Nordic…?
Many thanks!
That’s exactly what PiicoDev is for
You can daisy chain those modules together and combine their example code to create more advanced projects like a weather station.
For example: I put together this demo sensor a little while ago. It’s pretty close to what you’re thinking. Under the Air-Quality Sensor is an Atmospheric Sensor (BME280: temperature, pressure, humidity). The Button toggles between display modes. That’s four PiicoDev modules all daisy-chained together.
Beware! The Micro:bit v2 has limited memory and can’t support many devices simultaneously. Running a single OLED is just about at the limits of its capabilities. For more advanced projects I’d recommend using a Raspberry Pi Pico.
Awesome work as I made sure to get a Pico and Pico W to take advantage of the extra memory and look forward to giving things a go in the coming days!
Thanks again and best wishes to you all for the New Year with hopes for more exciting projects, tutorials and plenty of inventory of new and old items such as the Raspberry Pi’s and Zero’s… 
Hi Michel,
I was wondering if you had the example code available for that set up you made as I managed to purchase the parts yet couldn’t work out the lcd and button commands and the simple set up is perfect for my home application with the only change I’d make being a Pico W so I could track the reading via wireless, if that is even possible…?
many thanks and apologies if it puts you on the spot as your time is better served coming up with new products for tragic’s like me to buy LOL.
Hey @Razor213390 - this is what I used to drive that demo.
There are a series of .pbm
files which are the graphics used to display the AQI message as shown in my previous post.
If you copy all these files to your Pico/Pico W it ought to just work!
AQI and Atmospheric Demo (8.2 KB)
Hi Michael,
Thanks for taking the time to reply and sharing the zip as it includes all I need to get the same set up and I will look at playing around in the coming days.
Many thanks!
Hi Michael,
So I decided I’d foolow the picture and set up the sensors to my Pico W and they all show green lights so I proceeded to upload the files as shown in the zip folder yet I get the following error despite having the Button connected?
I did check the Firmware folder and its missing [] so I proceeded to add that and got a new error so I was thinking maybe the switches need to be changed on the LCD, Air Quality and Pressure Sensors as they’re all default OFF…?
Very very strange…
You’re right,
was missing. This is just a quickie internal project so it hasn’t been rigorously curated for a pleasant experience in the wild 
Don’t forget to upload all the .pbm
files to your Pico as well!
It looks like I’m configuring the Button with ID1:ON in the code. If you make sure to match the button’s ID switches to be the same as the id
argument, then power-cycle the project that might be the trick.
The ID switches are only sampled on at powerup. Any change to ID switches requires a power-cycle.
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I’ll dedicate some time to play with things over the weekend but appreciate the assistance and helpful suggestions with hopes of getting it to work. 
Thanks again!