PiicoDev Real Time Clock (RTC) RV3028 (CE08239)

Hi David,

Unfortunately that feature isnt baked into the IC being used.

Depending on the dev-board being used, you could measure the voltage from the test point on the back - Pico with its inbuilt ADC or Pi an external ADC like this: ADS1015 12-Bit ADC - 4 Channel with Programmable Gain Amplifier | Buy in Australia | ADA1083 | Adafruit | Core Electronics

Hi Liam,
That looks like an interesting device but probably technically above what I can implement.
I am using a Pico and my project currently gets the time from the internet but I’m running into unexplained problem communicating via LORA and I suspect LORA and wifi on the pico are trampling each other.
I have this little RTC working under test but it’s hard to know if it will survive the next power outage and if so for how long. I might think of some creative ways to disable the wifi when not in use instead.

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Hi David,

Do you have some regular Pico’s you can test with, while the Pico W’s WiFi interfering with the LoRa signal is a real issue that could present itself, the connectivity issue may be unrelated. I’ve seen a variety of possible solutions to turn the WiFi off on a Pico W but none that seem reliable, I’d love to see what you find.

Your Pico will have a built in ADC that you can use here, here’s a bit of a crash course in how it works

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I do have a regular pico kicking around as well as one of the new ones. Is that a Pico 2. It is non wifi.
However I do think there is something else going on. I have a web page running and the lora stuff runs in a sub process on the other processor core. I am using locking to manage file access but it looks like I may have missed something as it now runs for 10 minutes or so then hangs. More logging required.:cowboy_hat_face:

Both the regular pico and the Pico 2 don’t have wifi. It was only very recent that the Pico 2 W hit our shelves too. Do you know how much memory you are using on the Pico?

I have memory free space output to my debug log using gc.mem_free()
When the programs starts it shows around 93000
It never seems to go below 80000.
I regularly call Garbage Collection so I don’t think it’s hanging because of a memory issue.
This is probably getting a bit off topic for this thread now. :cowboy_hat_face:

Hey @David191372,

Sounds like you have an interesting problem on your hands. I would try running your setup and isolate one potential problem source at a time. Turning off locking to see if that makes any noticeable difference seems like the easiest place to start to me. :slight_smile:

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I might start a new topic not because I expect other people to solve this for me but people seems quite interested. It’s probably difficult for others to replicate without identical hardware.
If I try and cut the program down to the essence of the problem it simply goes away.
It’s a challenge :cowboy_hat_face: