Hi Liam,
That looks like an interesting device but probably technically above what I can implement.
I am using a Pico and my project currently gets the time from the internet but I’m running into unexplained problem communicating via LORA and I suspect LORA and wifi on the pico are trampling each other.
I have this little RTC working under test but it’s hard to know if it will survive the next power outage and if so for how long. I might think of some creative ways to disable the wifi when not in use instead.
Do you have some regular Pico’s you can test with, while the Pico W’s WiFi interfering with the LoRa signal is a real issue that could present itself, the connectivity issue may be unrelated. I’ve seen a variety of possible solutions to turn the WiFi off on a Pico W but none that seem reliable, I’d love to see what you find.
I do have a regular pico kicking around as well as one of the new ones. Is that a Pico 2. It is non wifi.
However I do think there is something else going on. I have a web page running and the lora stuff runs in a sub process on the other processor core. I am using locking to manage file access but it looks like I may have missed something as it now runs for 10 minutes or so then hangs. More logging required.
Both the regular pico and the Pico 2 don’t have wifi. It was only very recent that the Pico 2 W hit our shelves too. Do you know how much memory you are using on the Pico?
I have memory free space output to my debug log using gc.mem_free()
When the programs starts it shows around 93000
It never seems to go below 80000.
I regularly call Garbage Collection so I don’t think it’s hanging because of a memory issue.
This is probably getting a bit off topic for this thread now.
Sounds like you have an interesting problem on your hands. I would try running your setup and isolate one potential problem source at a time. Turning off locking to see if that makes any noticeable difference seems like the easiest place to start to me.
I might start a new topic not because I expect other people to solve this for me but people seems quite interested. It’s probably difficult for others to replicate without identical hardware.
If I try and cut the program down to the essence of the problem it simply goes away.
It’s a challenge