Piicodev RTC NTP server

I’ve configured a NTP server running locally to sync with the Piicodev RTC module. In the event that power to my Raspberry Pi is cut, and the internet is not available when power is restored, the NTP server will take it’s time from the RTC, and in turn update the system time on the Raspberry Pi (or any other devices you have configured to use the local NTP server as a fallback).

It runs as a docker container. Code and instructions available at https://github.com/lo-decibel/Piicodev-Chrony. Pull requests welcome!


Hi Steven,

This is super cool! I’ve shared this with our team :slight_smile:

If you’re the sort of person who has a bunch of servers, this could be really great for having a solid common time reference. I’m not a fan of docker but it probably frees you from supporting future OS changes or the like :wink:

Excellent work!


Hi @James. You could easily run this on bare metal. The Python script is simply executing a shell command to update Chrony. :+1:


This is rad - props for sharing your work! :clap:


Thanks for sharing with us.