Hi Steven,
I’ma answer your questions out of order so they hopefully ship information a bit faster…
The Infinity Mirror kit is able to use the power passthrough via the 5V pin on the photon.
It’s a little harder for standard Neopixels (WS2812B’s) to be powered by a battery since they have a much higher current draw (60mA at max brightness), the GlowBits (WS2812Bv5) boast a much lower current consumption at max brightness - though unfortunately they arent available as strips.
It most likely would work but at lower voltages Neopixels don’t uniformly lose brightness across each channel (RGB) .
I got a deece pic of the effect a while back (the end of the strip measured 3.8V, just above a LiPo’s nominal voltage):
To throw out some figures:
- 30led/m at 2m = 60 LED’s = 60*0.06A = 3.6A - at 60mA, 20mA is more reasonable and only 1.2A - enough for a USB battery bank to power, double this for 60led/m and so on
- Brightness control will be a breeze with addressable LED’s otherwise the ‘analog’ strips are a lil bit harder to put together IMO
- Kmart, Coles and some other supermarkets stock different styles of LED strips, some with in-built USB inputs, might be worth a look in though you don’t have that customisability
- Batteries will very much depend on the type of LED’s you wanna use
I’m keen to see what you do!