Tom9388 just shared a new project: "DIY Weather Station with Raspberry Pi"
I wanted to build a weather station. After some googling I found a great ‘how to’ guide using a raspberry pi.
I was also interested in learning Python, so I decided to dive right in and start working at building my own weather station.
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Hi @Tom9388 .
I was wondering if this station has been reliable, as I was wondering if you could possible send me a GitHub link for your code that you used, and possible a step - by -step list of the scripts and code that you have to run for this station to work effectively.
if you would like to talk via email, please let me know as ill happily provide my email if needed.
Hi @James216410
With some more time I can copy the code to Github. Step by step instructions will be difficult due to time.The raspberry pi is very robust and runs well.The only issue I have is with the Adafruit BME280.
- Pressure and humidity works fine. However the temperature is not accurate over 25 deg. Constantly shows up to 5-7 deg to high. I googled it and is a common problem. I purchased a DS18B20 temp sensor and will soon wire that up and use that instead.
- For a period the Adafruit BME280 was not communicating with the pi. I turned it off for a few weeks and now all is ok. My thinking was it had failed. May have to look at getting a new replacement.
Cheers, Tom
Hi @Tom9388
Thankyou so much for your information, this sounds really good!! No rush for the GitHub link, but when it’s up, could you please post it in this thread.
I’ll look into getting the DS18B20 sensor instead as well.
How about calibrating the device, working out the error and do a correction in your code? I might try it myself. I rescued a few old Mercury Metallurgical thermometers when we were supposed to surrender them…
WoW! I love the way you installed the annemometer.
hey @Tom9388 just wondering if there is a Github link available yet?
thank you
Hi All, I copied all important files to GitHub - robotson72/weatherstation
p.s I installed the DS18B20 temp probe and use that temp instead of the BME280 temp. I will try and update github with some help files when I have time. Cheers, Tom