Hi Maddie,
Awesome projects!!
Running Bluetooth and WiFi at the same time will be harder due to the ESP32 using the same antenna.
Using WiFi for both would work perfectly - connect to a router for internet access and serve a webpage to control different settings.
Dual-core is a nice touch - but rarely implemented, you can use threading to handle multiple tasks at the same time.
Fair call, if you are using micropython the libraries integrate the two very seamlessly, while bulky it might be good for driving the LEDs - check out my topic on a custom board:
It sounds like the Qt Py S2 might be good for both projects, if you need some example code or hints along the way I’m keen to pitch in!
I've run projects kind of similar to both - Click to expand
I used the TinyS3 and some of the Neo7 Mini Displays from Unexpected Makerr](Welcome to Unexpected Maker).
I ended up exploring the new Arduino IDE - and kind of gave up in hopes that I could integrate it to HA later.
I run mine through a MQTT server, and a flask server to send the values to the driver boards. (The good thing about flask is that it looks similar for phones and desktops)
I’d also check out WLED!