Hello there, I wanted to know if anybody managed to control a glowbit stick 1x8 on a Raspberry Pi 5 Model B Rev 1.0, it works just fine on one of my Raspberries 4 (just for the record).
Went through many forums, it went very geeky and I didnt understand much, so if anybody had an answer or a precedure to follow to make it work, I’d be very grateful
Thanks a lot
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Hi @David263862 - I suspect there is something incompatible with the underlying WS2812 library for raspberry pi 5. It seems to be a known issue.
The Pi 5 now uses an RP1 controller chip to handle the GPIO which has fundamentally changed the way GPIO operate. I think we may have to wait and see how things develop.
Hello @Michael, thanks for your answer, you confirm what I had managed to understand so far. So I’ll just wait until someone develops a library to make it work on a Rpi5 board.
Have a nice day everyone.