Raspberry Pi Stressberry Test Error

it`s a common issue i found with the stock supply you may need to bump the supply by an extra .1 or .2volts it happens mainly when you reboot i suggest a full update of the software,new kernels seem to be coming down lately which resolve a lot of issues…i think it is a power problem measure the 5 volt pin on your rpi make shore it has 5 volts on it…??

Hi Owen,

Thanks for the link I tried a few of those commands and the problem still remains super weird.

The only options that werent in the config are


am I meant to add these in myself?

also the issue still remains only this time I had black borders and my screen went to a 800dpi resolution


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Its not a power supply issue as its the official raspberry pi power supply.

if the power was an issue it would be present on fresh boot and its not.

also I have updated Raspbian.

its a video display issue.

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here is the official video help settings
pls have a read …

initially your screen will fall into either group one or group 2 depending on the res you want to force…
the other settings are generally fine tuning…

there will only be 3 lines you will need to ad to the config file depending on your screen
also a good start point is to only have your rpi hooked to the screen and no other devices…

if your still having issues pls post back and we will help you…
if you could pls make and model of your screen i`ll attempt to debug it 4 you…
hdmi _group=1
hdmi_drive =2
these are common settings for most 1080p 60hz 16:9 screens …

also remove that core_freq line…its not necessary…

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The StressBerry Issue has been resolved.

Happy to close thread.


Great :slight_smile: Let us know if you run into any other problems!

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