Raspberry Pi

I recently purchased some piezoceramic sensors and raspberry pi starter kit and ADC and logic level shifters along with resistors and cables. Could you please direct me to a tutorial/blog regarding how to connect the sensor (Circuit diagram would be greatly appreciated) to raspberry pi and code it to generate a real-time dynamic graph showing the voltage fluctuation with time.

Arka Ghosh
Deakin University

Hi Arka,

Check out Plotly, its a great tool for real time graphing of data. Here is a tutorial on how to use it:

Hi Stephen, I really need help connecting the piezoceramic sensors to a raspberry pi starter kit. I have the help I need to connect the temperature and humidity sensor but thanks anyway. It would be a great help if you could direct me to a piezoceramic tutorial/instructable.

Thanks for your assistance.

Arka Ghosh

Hi Arka,

You should start by programming the ADC:

Thank you for providing the coding. I installed the necessary Drivers and circuitpython platform. Could you now provide a circuit diagram on how I am supposed to make the necessary connections between my piezo element 16 bit ADC ADS1115 and the raspberry pi GPIO.

Thanks and Regards.
Arka Ghosh

Hi Arka,

Here is an example of wiring an analog sensor to a Pi. In this example they are using a potentiometer as the analog sensor;