18 March 2021 09:08
This is a placeholder topic for “Resistor Kit - 1/4W (500 total)” comments.
This assortment of through-hole Resistors comes jam-packed with 500 separate resistors, broken down into 20 of the most common resistance values you’ll ever need. The folded sleeve packaging offers a awesome way to keep your collection organised over the course of many projects.
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Which resistor/resistors do I need to downsize a 9 volt power supply to 5 volt? Thanks
Depends entirely on the current. V=IR. At 0amps, no amount of resistance will help.
You probably want to look at using a step down transformer.
So, you might have the best project in the world, an amazing idea and design, but no matter how clever your circuitry or how advanced your prototype is, unless you can power your project correctly, it all counts for nothing. Often you will need...
Thanks for the reply! Will I have heating problems with using a step down transformer? I’m planning to create a circuit with a switch and a led strip.
Not likely - and definitely not more so than with a resistor divider. Buck converter circuits are usually a lot more efficient than using resistors.
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