RGB strips with SK61812 controllers

Hello Sam,
I have been reading your comparisons between the different controllers for RGB leds.
Where does the SK61812 fit in ?
It seems that WS2812B refers to NeoPixel and APA102 refers to DotStar, but how do I order a strip with SK61812 controllers in it ?


Hi John,

The best comparison I can link you to is the one that Adian put together in our tutorials:https://core-electronics.com.au/tutorials/addressable-rgb-led-controllers.html

The SK61812 is compatible with the WS2812 chips and the only real difference that it includes a white led in the package. There’s not really any need to worry about which chipset you’re getting beyond whether its the WS2812 (and varients such as the SK61812) or the APA102. Libraries will be compatible, and it’s just whether you want RGB or RGBW strips.

OK thanks Sam,
How do I order RGBW strips ?
Thanks in advance

Just search for ‘rgbw’ and you’ll be able to find all of our LED options which have RGBW chips: https://core-electronics.com.au/search/?q=rgbw

Thanks Sam. In your article on DotStar 60 LED per metre strips https://core-electronics.com.au/adafruit-dotstar-digital-led-strip-white-60-led-per-meter-white.html you mention a 5V/10A supply that can drive up to 10 metershttps://core-electronics.com.au/catalog/product/view/sku/ADA658 (depending on use).
If I am building a project where I have brightness and colour control included on a 10m strip, should I be using a power supply that can handle 60 LEDs/m x 10m = 600 LEDs @ 0.050 amps = 30 Amps at 5 volts ?

If you’re turning every LED on, full white, full brightness, then yes, you’ll need to account for that maximum current draw. So you’d simply use 3 power supplies, and break up the power rails on your strips every 3m to inject fresh power

Imagine that you’re building 3x smaller strips, each with it’s own power supply.

That said, if you don’t plan on that, or you’re going to implement some soft limiting in your code, then you can just less. Typically, most of the time you’ll only be drawing around half the max current, but it just depends on what you want to do.