Rigol DHO-924S Oscilloscope (DHO924S)

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DHO-924S Oscilloscopes 250MHz, 4CH, 1.25GS/s, 12 BIT, ARB FUNCTION…

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Hi! Regarding the DHO 900 series oscilloscopes, what does DHO mean? How is it different to DSO prefix?
2nd Q. May I assume all signals are analogue then digitised thru the analyser?

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DHO=Digital High-resolution Oscilloscope.
DSO= stands for "Digital Storage Oscilloscope. This name is used for oscilloscopes that digitize and store analog signals for analysis. Both DHO and DSO oscilloscopes digitize analog signals for analysis, the DHO900 series distinguishes itself with higher resolution and advanced features tailored for precise measurements and complex signal analysis.


Hey @Nicholas286419, welcome to the forums!

@lia262073 has the correct answer about the DHO and DSO abbreviations.

Generally speaking, all input signals are analog in an oscilloscope. They are digitized by an analogue-to-digital converter (ADC) inside the oscilloscope. Once digitized, the waveform is stored in memory and then processed for further use.

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Thank you. Also, is it common for the analogue waves to read ONLY two values, in this case 125MHz and 250 MHz.

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Is this what you are referring to?

  • Analog bandwidth of 125 MHz & 250 MHz, 4 analog channels

Those numbers are the maximum signal frequencies at which the two oscilloscopes in the 9x4 series will operate within their defined specs. They may be able to cope with frequencies higher than that but the results may not be accurate and the display may not be able to display correctly.

Generally speaking, the higher the frequency the more difficult and expensive it is to construct the device, so it is common for manufacturers to configure their product line with a range of maximum frequencies, so that they can target a range of price points.


That’s perfect Jeff. Thank you!

One final question:

Can I export captured signals to .CSV files?

Or, how can I export saved data?

Thank you.

Hi Samuel! I should ask, what’s the warranty terms. Where can I view them please.

Hi Nicholas
I am sure you can capture results in picture or some other useful format such as CSV. and export same.
I am equally sure the owners or operators manual will have full details.
You should be able to find a downloadable copy of this manual somewhere so you can have a look before considering purchasing. This is usually available for most devices of this nature.
You may have to go to the Rigol web site for full specs and this sort of information.

Just had a look at the Rigol web site. All the manuals and data sheet are available for download.

Cheers Bob


Hi @Nicholas286419

For most Rigol “Mainframes” there is a 3 year warranty, as with what Bob mentioned about the capabilities of the scope, warranty information is also available in the Datasheet.

Hi Dan et al !

Thanks so much your supportive and helpful answers. Really do appreciate it.

Rgds Nick B.


Hi Jeff,

In regards to the DHO924s , can I attach the AFG output to the probe for examination?
Will this “short” the oscope?
I want to see a sine wave.
Also, in a very simple say LED/ resistor circuit at 9V DC, could I feed the sine wave into this? Or indeed how do I take advantage of the AFG function?

Hi Nicholas

Without having to dig up the data sheet again just what is the “AFG function”.
If it just happens to be “Audio Frequency Generator” the answer would be Yes.

Please remember not every one has one of these instruments. You are the one who has the data sheet and possibly the instrument so would be the one possibly who would know exactly what AFG is.
Cheers Bob

Considering that the AFG output is designed to be used with a waveform analyzer, I can’t imagine that there would any issue related to whether or not it was the same device or a different device.

As there does not seem to be a menu option for configuring the AFG as the source for the reference waveform (which sounds like the obvious arrangement to me) then I suspect that physically connecting it to a probe input is actually one of the intended usages.

I would not recommend using the AFG output with any sort of input other than a high impedance probe.

Hi @Nicholas286419

Looking at the user manual for the DHO-924S, you can use the Arbitrary Function Generator and the scope at the same time for testing, although there is no mention as to whether you can use the scope to measure the output.

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That’s huge Jeff. Thank you.
Can I assume you use this model?

Hi Dan,

I get the sense these instruments are extremely delicate.
I also get the impression caution is warranted.
Thanks for your input.

Hi Nicholas
Ah. Arbitrary Waveform Generator. That makes sense. Yes you can certainly connect and examine this with one of the scope inputs…
Keep in mind that the output could be 50Ω impedance and to measure any levels this output must be terminated. Also the AWG output impedance might be selectable. I have a Function/AWG generator that has this selectable output impedance.
Cheers Bob

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